Ombudsman Report criticises communications at St Vincent’s University Hospital

St Vincent’s University Hospital

First thing when I turned my radio on today was the Ombudsman speaking on Morning Ireland. Among other cases he spoke about the paper only communications between clinics in the hospital and having no inter-department electronic comms which is quite a stunning revelation.

Irish Times Article re Ombudsman Report on SVUH

Here the appointments system has been described as “Outdated” and allegedly has been fixed. Not so sure about that, I think they might have, at best, notions of improvement. Hospital records and links in Ireland are ad hoc affairs, there is no cohesion or compatibility of systems.

Libraries Ireland fixed the sharing of data throughout every public library in the country, where there had been standalone systems in each local authority. The transition was painful, I well remember being one of the very many staff who tested the new system, making the beta system into something that would work country-wide. Similar could be done in the health systems, though I’m guessing the transition could be very taxing and demanding of staff, I’m guessing they are afraid of progressing an integral system. One thing losing book & other material data, quite another losing masses of medical records.

Published by Martine

Blogging about Multiple Sclerosis

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