Oceans of Hope MS Sailing Charity

On 8th May I participated in the Oceans of Hope, UK based MS charity, sailing event to encourage people with Multiple Sclerosis to get out on the water and control sailing boats/yachts. I had done this activity decades ago with Glenans, in Baltimore, South Cork. Some years ago I got a National Powerboat Certificate, soContinue reading “Oceans of Hope MS Sailing Charity”

Planning trip for next year – Orkney

I have a friend who is even more enthusiastic about seeing new places, if that is possible! We are going to Borneo in August this year, but we have been talking about Orkney next year. Now to see how I operate. Here I place the bones of the trip: Selection of hotels from Booking.com: DayContinue reading “Planning trip for next year – Orkney”

The connection between Ulcerative Colitis & Multiple Sclerosis

I have had both Ulcerative Colitis and MS, the former remedies by a panproctocolectomy with end ileostomy, that to you is removal of my entire colon and anus, with end of small intestine (ileum) brought to surface of lower abdomen as an easily manageable stoma which discharges waste neatly into a small empty-able bag. IContinue reading “The connection between Ulcerative Colitis & Multiple Sclerosis”

Hebridean Adventure Upcoming!

Next month I have a lovely solo trip planned and I’m excited thinking about it! Scotland is almost easier to get to from Dublin than it is from many parts of England and Wales, and I have been more times than I can actually count. I’ve made visits, some fleeting, to all the Outer HebridesContinue reading “Hebridean Adventure Upcoming!”

If I am having such an improvement, might Disease Modifying Treatment not help me?

Following the culmination of an insidious lung infection treatment with IV antibiotics and steroid treatment, I have regained more mobility and cognition than I’ve had in over a year. Does this not inform me that Disease Modifying Treatment have potential for me, rather than saying “it’s all just too late”. “There’s not much can beContinue reading “If I am having such an improvement, might Disease Modifying Treatment not help me?”

Radiology report quality

Once upon a time I thought radiology was an all-visible science with qualified observers able to spot all abnormalities with a keen degree of accuracy. By means of Freedom Of Information requests I have obtained quite a number of my own radiology reports, some of them remarkably inaccurate in their very basic description of myContinue reading “Radiology report quality”

Huge improvement!

Having been rescued from an absolutely frightening & horrible flare-up by the Beacon hospital, I got out two days ago. Slept virtually all of yesterday, waking up after my sleeping beauty episode I felt a lot better, and clearly my mobility and clarity of mind had improved. Then after a further good night’s sleep theContinue reading “Huge improvement!”

Social media trolling

It is a strange phenomenon that a small number of people who have seen this blog are expressing reprehensible thoughts about my seeking care in a private hospital, spoilt brat that I apparently am. Some are posting it on forums, others approving of the posts. Apparently I should shut-up and put-up silently with whatever shitContinue reading “Social media trolling”

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