Ombudsman Report criticises communications at St Vincent’s University Hospital

First thing when I turned my radio on today was the Ombudsman speaking on Morning Ireland. Among other cases he spoke about the paper only communications between clinics in the hospital and having no inter-department electronic comms which is quite a stunning revelation. Irish Times Article re Ombudsman Report on SVUH Here the appointments systemContinue reading “Ombudsman Report criticises communications at St Vincent’s University Hospital”

Why did I ever question the weakness in my hands?

Today I found it very difficult to hold my walking stick, because of hand weakness. A little upsetting because of if I know I’m going to the next stage in disability, but like all stages they are a bit up and down…,but always gradually down. I think the world in general does not want toContinue reading “Why did I ever question the weakness in my hands?”

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